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We are proud to annouce that this year the Hellenic Association of Conference Interpreters (SYDISE) is a  partner of the ELIA Together 2021 Event which will be held exclusively Online from 24 February until 26 February 2021.

Together aims at bringing together freelance language professionals and language service companies for constructive dialogue and mutual growth. This event is for anybody who believes in the power and possibilities of strong relationships between freelance language professionals and language companies.

The theme for the fifth edition of Together is Together At Home – #eliatogether with two tracks moderated by experienced industry professionals.

The agenda and other information on the event is available at: Click Here


Together 2021 is an opportunity for our members and other language professionals to network and discuss current business challenges in the field of translation and interpreting.

Member of:

ELIA 2021 Partner

ELIA 2021 Partner
HAPCO - Hellenic Association of Professional Congress Organizers


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Κατασκευή Ιστοσελίδας: Ax-Easy